Jack Be Nimble

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Getting Started with Digital Marketing

8am. The phone rings. Before I’ve had a chance to respond to the habitual “hello, howzit?”, the next question is out of the caller’s mouth, laced with urgency and, dare I say it, a hint of desperation. 

“How do I get started with Digital Marketing?” 


I get it. Times are tough. Businesses feel like they should be doing something. But I wish more people would avoid confusing “something” with “anything”. Acting in haste will possibly mean you get very far very fast. But I’m a big believer in taking a deep breath, giving your needs and the relevant solution some thought, and making sure you won’t find yourself coming unstuck 100km (and hundreds of thousands of Rands) down the wrong road. 


I am not disputing the value of implementing digital media. It has proven its ability to reach new audiences, remind your customers that you exist, and generate leads for your sales team. The thing is, unlike with traditional media, just about anyone can DIY when it comes to Digital. It’s a lot harder to publish your own magazine ad than it is to create your own youtube channel, right? And I am all for the democratization of media. But…BUT…you can do a lot of damage when you have all the access without any of the requisite skill. 


What I liked about the olden days – the days of epic TVCs and colossal billboards – was the consideration that went into both the content and the channel. It took time to get your campaign to market. Time which allowed you to think your message through, and to be very choiceful about where you placed it. The immediacy offered by digital channels doesn’t mean you can’t have a considered approach; just that many brands don’t. I’m also seeing a lot of thinly-spread budgets, which tick the ‘presence’ box across as many digital channels as possible, but fall short when it comes to creating real impact. The ease with which content can be replicated across digital channels usually means that once you’ve created your first draft, you can proceed without too much thought thereafter. By favouring instant over impact, a lot of brands lose out. 


So, how did I respond to my early morning caller?

The same way I would respond to any marketing related query. I asked about the goals he has for his brand – not just online, but generally. Then we had a chat about all the things that could help to achieve them. Lastly, we discussed the role of digital in the overall marketing mix.

He exhaled.

And then asked me for some referrals of “guys who do facebook and tiktok and whatwhat.”

I live in hope.

If you want to get started with Digital Marketing, and do things correctly from the word go, you should contact Jack Be Nimble. Let’s develop a Digital Strategy that will deliver against your goals. And, if you really want, you can do a little dance on TikTok to show everyone how happy you are with your brand’s online performance.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash