you don’t know Jack?
Who is Jack?
Jack is you.
Jack is me.
Jack is the everyman of the business world.
Why Be Nimble?
Being nimble is a proactive approach to managing your brand. It means you’re always on the front foot. To be nimble you need an integrated strategy, a capable team, and access to the insights which help you make good decisions. Being nimble means you can adapt, but only if you understand your market, and your brand within its context. If you are truly nimble, you can take your customers on a journey with you as their needs evolve. It’s easier to fall, and stay, in love with a nimble brand.
Who is Caryn Sher?
Caryn is the heart and brains of Jack Be Nimble.
Her career has traversed through Business Consulting to Retail, Brand Management to Marketing Innovation, Portfolio Management to Capability Development. Caryn’s career has come full circle back into Strategic Consulting. She brings loads of experience to the table.
She has worked for brands big and small, local and global, in product categories as diverse as Tech, Beer, Financial Services, Furniture, Cereal, Footwear - you name it!
Caryn loves to get her hands dirty, so don’t be surprised to spot her out mystery shopping, or in the factory getting to grips with a product. She is known to ask lots (and lots) of questions in her quest for brand truth, and is both feted and feared for her brutal honesty when it comes to delivering feedback.
If you see her curled up in a sunny spot scribbling frantically – do not disturb! Caryn’s mind moves faster than her fingers and when the light bulb goes on and the strategy comes together, it’s pure magic.
Caryn loves achieving real results, and she’s confident that you’ll love seeing them too.